Adults Who Study Martial Arts Reap Significant Benefits Deliver a Knockout Punch to Your Usual Workout
Studying martial arts is something that anybody – at any age or fitness level – can do. Martial arts classes are fun, empowering, and provide a great workout for adults. Whether you want to defend yourself, lose weight, or just have fun, our adult martial arts classes have something to offer.
Adults Who Study Martial Arts Reap Significant Benefits Deliver a Knockout Punch to Your Usual Workout
Studying martial arts is something that anybody – at any age or fitness level – can do. Martial arts classes are fun, empowering, and provide a great workout for adults. Whether you want to defend yourself, lose weight, or just have fun, our adult martial arts classes have something to offer.
Secure your spot & get started today with our EXCLUSIVE online offer!
At Ekata, we embrace the philosophy of the ancient traditions while offering students instruction in the most modern, effective fighting disciplines available. All martial arts offered here at Ekata stem from the philosophy researched and recommended by Bruce Lee. Our head instructors have been personally trained by Sijo Lee’s 1st generation students. We offer arts which specialize in different ranges of combat so that students develop a well-rounded skillset while safely and effectively conditioning the body.
The original structure of Jeet Kune Do was formed from the core of three arts: modified Wing Chun Gung Fu, Western Boxing and Western Fencing. One “fits in” with the circumstances of a given scenario.
Students learn to redirect energy and become comfortable at any range of combat. Jeet Kune Do’s physical structure is based on the individual’s ability to instantaneously and creatively respond to an external stimulus with simple, biomechanically efficient tools.

You want to be able to defend yourself or your family.

You struggle to be confident in your abilities & strengths and want a healthy way to decrease stress and anxiety

You want to shed extra pounds and cultivate a positive body image.

Even when you do find time to hit the gym, regardless of having a schedule that’s full of work, family time, and other obligations, you might be bored by your same old workout. There’s nothing exciting about another go-round on the treadmill or elliptical – and you might need some encouragement to stick to a schedule and achieve your fitness goals.
Jeet Kune Do classes for adults focus on building core strength and cardiovascular fitness in a fun, social setting. Why not break out of your dull routine?

One of the keys to losing weight is finding a workout that you genuinely like doing.
Jeet Kune Do workouts are fun and challenging. They burn calories while also building muscles and ramping up your metabolism.
Regular martial arts workouts can help you lose weight steadily, especially when combined with a healthy diet.
Our Jeet Kune Do classes for adults can help you build core strength, increase your flexibility, learn how to defend yourself and the people you love, or lose weight. They’re also a great place to make new friends. Whatever your fitness goals are, you can achieve them in our classes.

A sophisticated form of fencing with one’s hands and feet, Boxe Française Savate teaches precision, timing, and balance. The rank system, developed by the French Federation of Paris offers technical and combative rank. Savate is a game of physical chess where finesse and grace is emphasized over brute force. Ekata is one of the only facilities in the United States to offer training in this highly effective and unique art.

Most systems begin with open hand training before advancing to the use of weapons. A martial art from the Philippines, Escrima incorporates the use of weapons training from the start. Students learn the use of stick, staff and knife training to enhance hand and eye coordination.
Escrima is known as one of the most efficient and realistic weapons training styles in the world and is considered the choice training method for many elite Special Forces military units.

Many people feel vulnerable and wish that they had a way to defend themselves if they end up in a dangerous situation.
Jeet Kune Do classes build strength, confidence, and agility while teaching basic but effective self-defense moves.
Studying martial arts can help you shake feelings of vulnerability and believe in your ability to ward off an attack.

It’s common for adults to struggle with self-esteem as they deal with competitive work environments and overloaded to-do lists.
Adults who study martial arts learn to search within themselves for their best qualities. They learn to self-motivate and not to worry what others think of them.
Adult Jeet Kune Do instruction encourages students to feel good about themselves as they master new techniques.

All people need an outlet for their worry and anxiety – and martial arts classes provide it.
In the absence of such an outlet, you might carry anxiety inside of you and inadvertently take it out on other people.
Adult Jeet Kune Do classes burn calories, release tension and anxiety, and help keep you on an even keel mentally and emotionally.
Secure your spot & get started today with our EXCLUSIVE online offer!
Yes. Jeet Kune Do instruction combines physical fitness with mental strength, and people who feel fit and strong are also confident.
Yes, it happens all the time. Everyone in the class has an interest in martial arts and fitness, and that gives people a good starting place to build new friendships.
Yes. Jeet Kune Do instruction is tailored to each student’s capabilities and goals, so anybody – at any fitness level – can benefit from studying martial arts.
Yes, we love it when friends come in together. Working out together can help strengthen your friendship and help both of you meet new people, too.
Yes. Studying Jeet Kune Do builds physical strength and mental resilience, and makes many people feel confident about their ability to defend themselves.
Yes. Jeet Kune Do instruction focuses on building core strength and improving balance. As you become more aware of your body and its capabilities, you will feel less clumsy.

Jeet Kune Do students believe in their strength and abilities because they know what their bodies can do.

People who study Jeet Kune Do carry themselves with strength and authority, and that can ward off attackers.

Jeet Kune Do instruction focuses on achieving personal excellence, something that builds self-esteem.

Structured workouts tend to be more effective than solo workouts in terms of burning calories.
Secure your spot & get started today with our EXCLUSIVE online offer!